Oyster Shrine for Creativity
Spell Date: Sunday, August 5, 2018
Color of the day: Yellow
Incense of the day: Eucalyptus
English folklore
tells us that eating oysters today will bring good luck for the rest of
the year. Oysters have long symbolized luck and love, and in ancient
Egypt oyster shells were worn as protective amulets. If you eat some
oysters today, save and clean two shells to create a shrine grotto to
the mother of pearl, the embodiment of creation.
Stand the shells up vertically (the widest part should be the base) and lean them together to make a conical grotto. Use a drop of glue to secure them. Place the grotto on your altar and set a tealight candle inside. Light the candle and say:
"Maker of pearl,
The moon in a shell,
I create my fate
With your help and this spell!"
Keep the shrine on your altar until the year’s end, repeating the incantation each time you relight the candle or when you experience a burst of creativity.
Stand the shells up vertically (the widest part should be the base) and lean them together to make a conical grotto. Use a drop of glue to secure them. Place the grotto on your altar and set a tealight candle inside. Light the candle and say:
"Maker of pearl,
The moon in a shell,
I create my fate
With your help and this spell!"
Keep the shrine on your altar until the year’s end, repeating the incantation each time you relight the candle or when you experience a burst of creativity.