Thursday, August 16, 2018


She struggles to sleep at night.
She dreams of adventures that will never happen.
She fixates on regrets she will never amend.

She drowns in every day worries of this life.
She doesn't give 100%, what is the point?
She slowly takes one step forward to find when she looks around, she is a step behind where she started.
Does she even have a little left?

She has something missing inside her.
She does not know what it is.
She can't function normally.
She wonders, is it because of the missing puzzle piece?

She feels like she is on a slide under a microscope.
She is being watched and inspected non stop.
She lives in this tiny world.
She looks out at all the other people passing by.

She silently cries.
She holds it all in.
She struggles to sleep at night.