Monday, August 20, 2018

Spell A Day Aug. 2, 2018

Persistence Divination

Spell Date:  Monday, August 20, 2018
Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Rosemary
Today is the birthday of the notable yet controversial journalist Connie Chung. Chung’s overall approach was very gentle, but she became known for a quality of persistence on particularly pressing and controversial questions during interviews. Whether her persistence was appropriate in each case is a topic of wide debate; however, in the proper context, persistence is a quality worthy of admiration.

In honor of persistence, get out your preferred divination tool today and ask a question regarding yourself that has been particularly tough for you to deal with. Be prepared to face the answers you get, and persist with a follow-up question to gain more information and hopefully some traction toward a solution.

Consider your interaction with your divination tools to be a conversation, back and forth, much like an interview. If you do not feel you are being objective, you can work with a friend. That person can either dialogue results with you or assist in performing divination.