Fire Cleanse for Self-Love and Sexual Power
Spell Date: Friday, August 3, 2018
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Thyme
Today, the
conditions are right to cleanse away old, unloving thoughts about your
body, sexuality, and appearance. Kindle a bonfire or campfire, or make a
fire in an outdoor fire pit. (Or just gather a lighter and a cauldron
or pot that is safe for burning.) As you sit before the flames (or
cauldron), make a list of every negative thing you regularly think about
your body, sexuality, and/or appearance. Then say (or yell!):
"I am now ready to let these things go!"
With that, throw your list into the flames (or burn it in your pot). As it burns, feel the flames burning away all old negativity from your body and energy field and filling you with a passionate new love for yourself. Say:
"I am a radiant divine child! I am
divinely beautiful, lovable, and
sexy! I now own my power and
live my beauty! Blessed be."
"I am now ready to let these things go!"
With that, throw your list into the flames (or burn it in your pot). As it burns, feel the flames burning away all old negativity from your body and energy field and filling you with a passionate new love for yourself. Say:
"I am a radiant divine child! I am
divinely beautiful, lovable, and
sexy! I now own my power and
live my beauty! Blessed be."