Monday, August 20, 2018

Funny Punny

First step is admitting it....


Spell A Day Aug. 2, 2018

Persistence Divination

Spell Date:  Monday, August 20, 2018
Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Rosemary
Today is the birthday of the notable yet controversial journalist Connie Chung. Chung’s overall approach was very gentle, but she became known for a quality of persistence on particularly pressing and controversial questions during interviews. Whether her persistence was appropriate in each case is a topic of wide debate; however, in the proper context, persistence is a quality worthy of admiration.

In honor of persistence, get out your preferred divination tool today and ask a question regarding yourself that has been particularly tough for you to deal with. Be prepared to face the answers you get, and persist with a follow-up question to gain more information and hopefully some traction toward a solution.

Consider your interaction with your divination tools to be a conversation, back and forth, much like an interview. If you do not feel you are being objective, you can work with a friend. That person can either dialogue results with you or assist in performing divination.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Thank you for the Views!

I appreciate all the views, and checking out my randomness and the things that pop into my head!

Friday, August 17, 2018

Nightly Meditation- Nothing is Trivial

When You're Drowning

When you're drowning....

Spell A Day Aug. 17, 2018

Gettin' Ready for the Weekend

Spell Date:  Friday, August 17, 2018
Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Vanilla
It’s been one of those loooong weeks at work. Now it’s Friday. You deserve a break. What are your weekend plans?

Before you leave your office, make sure your workspace is clean and tidy. You probably have elemental symbols (a rock, a shell, a feather, a red crayon) on one of your shelves. While you’re tidying up, lay them in their proper directions and cast a tiny, private circle. Think about what you accomplished this week: projects begun or completed, meetings attended, people networked, problems solved, etc. Say these words, either aloud or in your mind:

"Gettin’ ready for the weekend,
I’ve had a busy week.
Gettin’ ready for the weekend,
It’s pleasure now I seek!"

Build a tiny yet strong cone of power (which looks like a tiny tornado, not destructive but beneficial) and send it to your weekend destination. Turn off your computer, turn out the lights, and go home

Time to Shut my Eyes

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Spell A Day Aug. 16, 2018

Shower Cleansing with Citrus

Spell Date:  Thursday, August 16, 2018
Color of the day:  Turquoise
Incense of the day:  Mulberry
In Hinduism and a variety of tantric paths, lemons and limes are sometimes used to drive away malicious external energy. To take advantage of citric magick, take a lemon and/or lime into the shower with you! Stand skyclad (naked) just outside of the water’s reach while you break open each fruit and rub the juice all over your body (these juices also help maintain a nice complexion). You may wish to make small cuts in the fruits before taking them into the shower so that you can open them easily without tools.

As the citrus juices cleanse your physical body, focus negative energies and destructive thoughts into the juice and see them washing down the drain. If you have felt bombarded by external energies lately, see these vibes sticking to the juice and rinsing away. Conclude by showering off and giving thanks to the metaphysical healing powers of the natural world.


She struggles to sleep at night.
She dreams of adventures that will never happen.
She fixates on regrets she will never amend.

She drowns in every day worries of this life.
She doesn't give 100%, what is the point?
She slowly takes one step forward to find when she looks around, she is a step behind where she started.
Does she even have a little left?

She has something missing inside her.
She does not know what it is.
She can't function normally.
She wonders, is it because of the missing puzzle piece?

She feels like she is on a slide under a microscope.
She is being watched and inspected non stop.
She lives in this tiny world.
She looks out at all the other people passing by.

She silently cries.
She holds it all in.
She struggles to sleep at night.

Just One Wish...

I will see you soon pops.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Spell A Day Aug. 13, 2018

International Lefthanders Day

Spell Date:  Monday, August 13, 2018
Color of the day:  Lavender
Incense of the day:  Lily
It’s International Lefthanders Day. As you may know, the left hand is governed by the right side of the brain, which is more creative and intuitive than the left. This means that we can activate and access our psychic powers simply by writing or drawing with our left hand.

Whether you’re usually left-handed or right-handed, try this: Using your right hand, write out a question or issue on which you’d like guidance. Then switch to your left hand and simply write or draw whatever comes up in response, without stopping, trying to make sense of it, or thinking too much about it. (For example, you might ask about a relationship, and then you might draw a raccoon or jot down a poem.) When this feels complete, take a moment to assess what you’ve written or drawn. How might this apply to your issue? What message is your subconscious and intuitive mind communicating?

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Spell A Day Aug. 12, 2018

Bills Are Due Bewitched Money Jar

Spell Date:  Sunday, August 12, 2018
Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Juniper
You just found out your child needs braces and there’s a knock in your engine, but the electricity payment is due and your cupboards are bare. Don’t we hate it when unexpected expenses creep into our lives? This bewitched money jar just might help.

You will need:
* A large glass jar
* A green permanent marker
* Basil leaves
* Some coins
* A green aventurine
* A green drawstring bag

Take a large glass jar and use the marker to draw personal symbols of wealth on it. Now take the basil leaves, coins, and green aventurine and place them in the green drawstring bag. Place the bag in the bottom of the jar. Imagine that for every coin you place in the jar, its value will find its way into your life three times three. Now say:

"For every coin I add, may my
wealth increase three times three."

Add spare and/or found change daily until the jar is full.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Spell A Day Aug.10, 2018

Crown of Power Shield

Spell Date:  Friday, August 10, 2018
Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Violet
With the sun and moon both in Leo, the “king” of the zodiac, we can create an extra-powerful psychic shield that can be reinforced at any time.

Buy or make a crown (even a paper one will do) and place it on your head. Close your eyes and meditate, visualizing that the crown is glowing with energy. See the energy grow and envelop you like a bubble. Feel as though the crown is a symbol of your total sovereignty; it is your emblem of personal power. The shield of power is strong, solid, and complete. Feel it condense, and affirm it with these words:

"Shield of power, my royal crown,
keep me safe from any harm."

From this point on, whenever you feel the need for protection, visualize the crown on your head and feel the magical strength it provides.

Diary Entries from the Cats- Lavvy and his White Line Addiction (8/10/18)

9:01am- Momma, momma, momma is coming out of the room that is always closed at night!!

9:01:30am- Said 'good morning' to momma by criss-crossing through her feet as she walked into the kitchen.

9:02am- Momma! Momma! Moooooom! Moooommmy!  I screamed as she turned on the machine that drips that nasty brown stuff she mixes with MY white powder.

↑Momma says I am like this↑

9:02:15am- Momma picked me up and kissed my little head and squeezed me tight.  I love momma!

9:05am- I saw momma grab her weird shaped bowl for that dark, stinky brown liquid. She reaches for MY powder.  Why does she always ruin MY powder with that stinky stuff??  Moooommmmmm!!!!

9:05:24am- I headbutted her hand as she reached for MY powder that is kept safe inside a clear contraption that I can't get into.  It just sits there taunting me, until momma goes to use it! 

9:05:46am- Momma! Momma! Moommmmmmmmmmm! I screamed.

9:06am- Momma gave in and gave me my two lines!  I'm such a spoiled little brat, I know!  I love my white lines!  They are a great way to start the day.

↓Here is a picture momma took of me enjoying my lines.↓

9:06:33am- Momma said I was a creamer junkie, as she grabbed her weird shaped bowl and headed out of the kitchen.  Whatever that is!  I always thought I was momma's titty baby. 

9:07am- I went into the nom nom room where momma was and curled up with her.

9:22am- Momma moved me to go back to that machine! Apparently, that foul dark liquid is more important than her titty baby.  

9:24am- Momma told me I couldn't have anymore lines today, as she spooned MY powder into her weird shaped bowl! Momma said I use too much as it is. Momma is being mean to her titty baby!  

9:44am- I went to be alone and enjoy the feeling of the lines momma gave me. She can suffer without her titty baby for a while.

Look at the happiness that results from the white lines↓
10:30am- Momma showed me a couple more pictures she took of my line addiction.  Momma said I need to face it myself and get past this.  I don't see why she is being so hypocritical, when I watch her put MY powder in her dark stinky liquid every day!!  Mean momma!  

10:30:44am- Do the pictures below look like I have a line addiction?  

11:03am- After some contemplation after reviewing the last picture, I see that I have let myself go just slightly.  But in my defense, who wants to clean eye boogies before you have a couple lines to start the day?  Momma is just trying to trick me!  Has momma seen herself before she spoons MY powder in her weird shaped bowl?  That is a question I must ask her!

11:04am- Momma!  Momma!  Mooooooom! Mommmmmmmmmmmma! I screamed.

11:04:36am- I can't find momma.  She is hiding. She knows she was mean and probably don't know how to face me.  I will just let her be alone for a while.

11:05am- I curled up in my dry sauna and took a nap. 


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Nightly Meditation- Small Gods

 You should do things because they’re right. Not because gods say so. They might say something different another time.

- Terry Pratchett - Small Gods

Spell A Day Aug. 9, 2018

The Power of the Horse

Spell Date:  Thursday, August 9, 2018
Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Carnation
The first horses arrived in Hawaii on this day in 1803. Can you imagine what it must have been like to see them for the first time? As a totem animal, horse brings raw energy and power. It’s a symbol of freedom and new journeys. Every different color of horse means something slightly different: white is for purity, black for determination, red for energy, gold for awareness, etc.

It’s easy to invite the energies of horse into your life so that you can work with them. Put a picture of a horse on your altar, or wear horse-themed jewelry. If you’re able to visit a horse farm or dude ranch, get some firsthand experience. Working with horse builds trust and patience, which is why equine therapy is gaining popularity when it comes to emotional healing.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Nightly Meditation- Create an Adventure

Spell A Day Aug.8, 2018

Love Magick Divination

Spell Date:  Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Lilac
On this day, the ancient Romans celebrated the Eve of the Festival of Venus. The night was given over to songs, prayers, and pouring libations in her honor, as well as wild lovemaking. Sorceresses were said to perform magical divination for love and marriage. Love magic is seen as potentially manipulative by modern Witches, but it’s possible to use our intuition to see what the goddess of love may have in mind for us.

On this night, place two roses on your altar, and tie the stems together with ribbon (red or pink are best). Light red or pink candles. Place photos or the names of single people whose love lives you want to gain insights about (include yourself if you wish). Stare at each photo and say the person’s name, then say:

"What will love bring to you?"

When you go to bed, rub some perfumed oil on your wrists. Use something earthy and sensual to relax you and conjure thoughts of romance (vetiver, patchouli, rose, amber, or sandalwood are all good). Think of the names and faces of the people on your altar, and with any luck you will dream of them and gain insight into their love lives.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Nightly Meditation- Listen to the Squirrels

No, Not Anymore

Spell A Day Aug. 7, 2018

A Personal Harvest Spell

Spell Date:  Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Basil
The harvest season has begun, but not just an agricultural one. This is also a time for personal harvests. Have you attained your goals? Is there more you wish to do? This spell will help you achieve your dreams.

First, decorate your altar with seasonal produce and flowers. You’ll also need three sheets of paper, a pen, and a self-addressed stamped envelope. On the first sheet, write a list of everything you’re thankful for. On the second sheet, list all that you’ve achieved. On the last sheet, write a list of everything you still wish for, and how you’ll achieve these goals. Fold this sheet like a letter, seal it in the envelope, and send it to yourself. This will be your “harvest” still to come. When it arrives, don’t open it until Samhain, the last harvest. Then see how you did. Keep the three lists as long as you want, then discard them.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Nightly Meditattion

Spell A Day Aug. 6, 2018

The Reset Button

Spell Date:  Monday, August 6, 2018
Color of the day:  Ivory
Incense of the day:  Clary Sage
In the summer, I swim in Lake Ontario most days. I love submerging my crown chakra in the water and feeling the complete change in my energy. This seems to “reset” me, clearing my aura and raising my vibration. I’ve learned that a dip in the lake can restore me to sanity following an experience of hurt, anger, or disappointment.

We aren’t computers, but it’s good to know how to reset ourselves. What do you do when you are tired, angry, sad, or overwhelmed? What are the things that help you clear negativity and restore equilibrium? Make a list entitled “10 Things That Help Me Feel Better.” Write down what works for you. Here is my list:

* Drink a cup of tea
* Shower
* Hug someone
* Swim
* Laugh
* Nap
* Journal
* Smudge
* Meditate
* Eat chocolate

Post your list where you will see it regularly. Read it. Know it. Use it. And when you need to, press “Reset.”

If I Die Tomorrow

Have I done all that I should?
Have I taught all that I could?
Have I said all that I would?
Have I learned the truth from all the many places?
Have I witnessed the emotions from all the diverse faces?
Have I walked the path of others, and followed their traces?
Have I touched someone so deeply they cry?
Have I looked so carefully that I needed to ask, “Why?”
Have I astonished enough, echoing in the air are the words ‘oh my’?
Have I offered myself openly to receive total devotion?
Have I loved enough, to them it felt like the work of a potion?
Have I valued this pain, this pleasure, this emotion?
Have I needed someone so bad I lost all . . . including my pride?
Have I been that someone who did not hide?
Have I forgiven those people, who on more than one occasion lied?
Have I accepted who and what I am: all that is unique?
Have I inspired curiosity . . . interest piqued?
Have I helped others see, sometimes there nothing wrong with being meek?
Have I lived a life worthy of remembrance?
Have I sieged every opportunity to show tolerance?
Have I created a spirit-one with a lingering sense?
Have I done all that I should?
Have I done all that I could?
Have I said all that I would?

If I die tomorrow . . .
Will my last day on Earth be filled with sorrow?

Spell a Day Aug.5, 2018

Oyster Shrine for Creativity

Spell Date:  Sunday, August 5, 2018
Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Eucalyptus
English folklore tells us that eating oysters today will bring good luck for the rest of the year. Oysters have long symbolized luck and love, and in ancient Egypt oyster shells were worn as protective amulets. If you eat some oysters today, save and clean two shells to create a shrine grotto to the mother of pearl, the embodiment of creation.

Stand the shells up vertically (the widest part should be the base) and lean them together to make a conical grotto. Use a drop of glue to secure them. Place the grotto on your altar and set a tealight candle inside. Light the candle and say:

"Maker of pearl,
The moon in a shell,
I create my fate
With your help and this spell!"

Keep the shrine on your altar until the year’s end, repeating the incantation each time you relight the candle or when you experience a burst of creativity.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Nightly Meditation- Make Progress

Diary Entries from the Cats- Hagrid (8/4/18)


10:26am- I am awakened by the sound of the female human walking clumsily into the kitchen.  She turns on that machine that drips hot, dark, stinky smelling liquid. I don't have any kinds of feeling about that machine. She heads to bathroom.

10:29am- The female human walks back in and messes with that drippy machine, not even showing any kind of consideration for the fact I am trying to sleep!  So rude!

10:30am- Since I am awake, I stand and stretch as the female human prepares that stinky stuff.  I see on the hard surface across the two squared hole thing, that the humans occasionally fill with clear liquid or bowls with leftover nom noms that aren't mine, little things moving.

10:31am- I go over to investigate.  I hiss! I do have particular feelings about what I see. I hate little moving things.

10:31:30am- The female human asks me what is wrong?

10:31:45am- I stare at the little moving things and show my disgust.

10:32am- The female human laughs at me!  She is making fun of me! She say, "It's just a couple ants." (Just a couple ants! She knows I hate little moving things.)

10:33am- The female human grabs that thing that I hate even more than little moving things.  That thing that squirts liquid. I hiss to show my disgust! She continues to mock me with her laughs.  I back away to my side of the hard surface, free of little moving things! She sprays the little moving things with that squirty thing.  Ha!  It wasn't me this time!  Ha! The female human reaches for a paper thing that isn't really paper, those things I have seen Alora eat before.  She rubs it all over the hard surface where the little moving things were. I stand up to get a better look, they are gone.

10:35am- The female human pet me as she threw the paper thing that's not really paper in the tall rectangle thing that Hammy is always getting into. She said, "all gone!" and grabbed her weird shaped bowl of dark and stinky liquid and headed out of kitchen.

10:36am- Alone again in silence with no little moving things, I curl back up on my hard surface spot and drift back to sleep.

11:12am- Here she is again for more of that dark stuff in her weird shaped bowl.  Really?  I open one eye to show my disdain of the awakening situation, but she has her back to me, so it doesn't matter. Only sleep matters!  I go back to it.

11:44am- Damn dog! Hammy barked and woke me. I might as well go see what is happening.

11:45am- Nothing is happening. That dog is daft!

11:45:15- I head to the nom nom bowl.

11:45:46- Still waiting at the nom nom bowl, thanks Alora!

11:46am- I eat some nom noms.

11:48am- I jump up on that large rectangle thing in the nom nom room, and sit on the corner where I know I will be most annoying.  I do this because while I was eating nom noms a couple minutes ago, I heard that door, you know the one that stays closed at night, open which means the male human will be coming in to sit at this corner end of the large rectangle thing. The male human isn't as psychotic when he first wakes up as the female human.

11:49am- I groom myself.

11:50am- The male human does indeed come to sit at the large rectangle thing. He says good morning to me. He leans down and puts his lips on my head. WTF! Personal space man! Everyone saw it. I am embarrassed! I am out of here!

11:50:33am- I hear the humans laughing in the other room. I know they are making fun of me!

11:51am- Screw this!  My day is ruined! I am done for today! Woe is me…

11:51:31- I go to nap away my troubles in a most inconvenient place for the humans.  

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Color of Pain, Taste of Pleasure

Flashes of russet
All the nerves in the brain; does it hit
Lead to swift waves of cinnabar
Expansing through the area, near and far
Blinks of hoary
The sight must indeed be gory
Glide in the lightning of sable
To look, I am unable.

The nectarous flavor of a honeysuckle
First bloom of the Spring
Innocent and soft sensations bring about a gentle chuckle
Petals fluttering on the winds wing
Wee amounts of the sweet juices
Keep you reaching for more
Its soft, aromatic, and delightful sweetness seduces
Smiling, dropping you to the Earths floor.

Spell A Day Aug.4 2018

Grounding with the Stone People

Spell Date:  Saturday, August 4, 2018
Color of the day:  Indigo
Incense of the day:  Magnolia
Saturdays are a good day for cleansing and protection magick. I consider grounding and centering oneself to be a form of this type of magick. One of my favorite ways to do this is to work with the spirits of the Stone People.

Take a hike in a natural area from which you’d be allowed to take a stone. When you find a stone that calls to you, ask it if it would like to work with you. If it agrees, this Stone Person will be your new helper for this spell. Leave an earth-friendly offering in its place.

Anoint the stone with holy water, then hold the stone and enter an altered state through meditation or rattling. Ask the stone to use its earthy powers to ground and center you, bringing you balance and protection by merging with its spirit. Keep the stone. Repeat as necessary.

The Raven

The Raven
The raven steps out of the swirling mist
Orbs of darkness stare at me, contemplating a list
Gazing into my soul, it’s time to tell the world I don’t belong
The turn of his head at this thought, tells me I am not wrong
Throwing my head back I try to understand the game life plays
If not through the wasted years, then now at the end of my days
Twisted and bent in agony, of whom or what I betrayed
Palm outstretched, his feet and sharp talons he laid
Flashes of my life blaze by my eyes in fast motion
My head turns and twists, in a restless commotion
Screaming at the useless memories that keep replaying
My brain, bit by bit continues its mind flaying
Dark thoughts, dark dreams, and dark images from me they steal
His nail sinks into my bosom . . . I bleed to feel
Eyes welling, body quivering, the pain is too much to endure
The reward, the pleasure of truly knowing myself, he promises to insure
Without pain, how do you know if you have experienced pleasure?
Without pleasure, how much pain can you suffer and measure?
Kneeling down, head bent, and eyes closed with nothing to see
I whisper as I fade away . . . you will suffer me, this I guarantee.

The Graveyard- A sadness I witnessed

The Graveyard

An elderly was man standing at a graveyard gate
Screaming and sobbing at the sight of the lock
Shaking the bars with his quivering hands, he shows his hate
“Why?” I ask myself as I drive around the block

Is he lost and confused this time of night?
Is he eager to rush to his fate?
Is he curious to see the newly departed souls come to light?
Or…is he simply looking for his life-long mate?

Lost and confused, he is all alone
Wishing it had been him that left this earth
His wife’s body was laid to rest earlier today, her name was all he could moan.
To lie beside her once more, he’d give all he had of worth

Not even knowing this couple, I could feel his pain
Driving by at five a.m, and seeing him so desperately trying to get in
A single tear feel down my cheek as I pulled off to the side of the lane
All he wanted was her back, the way things had been.

Outside a graveyard gate, an elderly man stood
Weeping and crying for his lost love, trying to remember all he could.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Nightly Meditation- Stay Positive!

The Originals- RIP Aug. 1, 2018 (Possible Spoilers)

Is it, 91 or 92 hours of my life spanning over 5 years devoted to watching the Originals?  Mainly because of Klaus or if we use his proper name; Niklaus Mikaelson. This man, werewolf, or hybrid captured me when he appeared in The Vampire Diaries, in which this was a spin off from. (and much better in my opinion!)
To some Klaus was a villain, an evil, a monster, even a plague that just wouldn't die. 

Yes, yes, yes, Klaus had his flaws and he let them show on multiple occasions over the years.  Like a lot of us though, he had layers; deep emotions, affectionate feelings, and love that he kept locked away deep in his heart and soul.   His vulnerability emerged more often after the birth of his daughter Hope. At first I liked seeing the more vulnerable side of Klaus, and just as fast as my feelings about it started, they ended.  I knew what Klaus was on the inside....not the facade he liked to pose for others. He was an immortal heathen and above all placed great emphasis on honor, personal integrity, and loyalty.  With that being said, least we forget my second favorite Mikaelson; Elijah! Elijah was the calmer, refined, elegant, old-fashioned, and understanding sibling of Klaus, even being his half sibling. (Esther; their mother had an affair with a werewolf, which resulted in Klaus becoming the hybrid that Mikael; their father hated so much! Ya know, the age old feud between vampires and werewolves.)

 Don't be confused though, Elijah was still an immortal and he did his fair share of killing, without hesitation when the situation called for it. He possessed the same morals and ethics of Klaus, the only difference was, he didn't hide them away.  Elijah had an undying and deep loyalty to Klaus, that stemmed from their childhood. With as many times as Klaus had staked and locked all his siblings up in coffins for decades at times, Elijah would always stand by his side.  This bond, and brotherly love made me fall for Elijah, just as much as I had for Klaus. 

So, here I am 5 years later and on the series final season. (Which in itself made me very depressed!)
*Off topic- maybe there is a truth to the saying, "Girls love bad boys!- makes one think* 
So we fast-forwarded from episode 1 and Hope is a teenage witch. Her hybrid curse has not been triggered because she has not killed anyone.  The daughter of a werewolf; Hayley and Klaus.
I am not going into every detail of this season, but several tragedies happen, all stemming from the actions of Hope. Knowing the Mikaelson's as I do, nothing will stop them from protecting the youngest in the family. I was preparing for a ending I wouldn't be happy with, but not one I am down-right pissed about! 

I know demographics probably don't [want to] include my age group, and they want a younger generation to get hooked that can carry the industry for 10-12 years. (Yeah, I stole that from Deadpool!  Won't be the last time, guaranteed!) I mean, just look at what all is out there; Harry Potter trilogy, Lord of the Rings, Fantastic Beasts, etc. 
Grown ass women and men love these too, you steaming piles of dog doo-doo!

So here we have it....

   Klaus sacrificed himself for his daughter.  She was possessed with a dark magic that was out of control and could not be removed. (Firstly, we are in New Orleans!  The home of some of the most powerful witches in the world. Secondly, seriously?  Why?  Have we not already lost enough???)
Klaus needed redemption for his actions through the course of his immortal life, and with Hayley being gone, he did what I think, any truly loving father would do for his child. (Even if we, the audience hate it!) He took the magic into himself, with the help of a couple siphon witches because Hope accidentally killed a man, and during that first full Moon, the transformation would have killed her.  His selfless actions were quite noble, honorable, and showed his deep love for his daughter, which was rarely something we witnessed since her birth. 
Klaus, truly and honestly showed a human side and proved himself, not a monster as so many knew or thought him to be.

Now we skip to Elijah...

His loyalty to his brother did not falter, even at the very end. He has always set out to prove that Klaus could be redeemed. When he says 'Always and Forever' he meant it. Centuries of standing by his brother through everything and seeing that bond, I still didn't have myself prepared for this! He just couldn't let his brother go alone into the unknown. He took the one and only item that could kill them; a white oak stake and broke it in half. (I would like to add, that when he handed Klaus a half of it, he handed him the blunt ends one. You will read why this particular action sticks out in my mind so powerfully) They sat on a bench talking about the past, present, and future until it was time, time that became no more.  They stood up, facing each other and placed the wood over each other's hearts. Klaus is holding the blunt one, and Elijah is holding the sharpened one. (Making the pain less for his brother because it will enter his heart easier!) 

 Together, they stake the other and begin to turn to dust as they stand looking at one another.

 "In the end we're left infinitely and utterly alone." is something Klaus had said more than once.  I think part of him actually believed it, even knowing the undying loyalty from his brother. It was enduring to see just how wrong he was.  

Here is what I have to say to that, in the words of Deadpool...

I love the sentiment, the brotherly love, the always and forever attitude, and integrity of their actions, but I'll be damned if there was not another way this could have ended!
I know they are starting a new series; Legacies, that stars Hope for the younger audience, but as I said before, grown ass women and men love these supernatural based shows too! 
Based on that knowledge, if they had wrote the ending another way, Klaus may have one day seen his daughter graduate school and/or fall in love and get married. 
 (You know, all that mushy stuff) 
I'm not saying they had to continue the Originals, I am saying however, given a little brainstorming they could have done a little more 'original' ending so the Mikaelson brothers possibly could make cameo appearances later in Legacies. 
So, that is my tribute to The Originals. The brothers I have so dearly enjoyed for years.  May you Rest in Peace.