Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Spell A Day July 31, 2018

Spell A Day

Thanking Your Plants

Spell Date:  Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Cinnamon
If you have a garden or even a single herb or vegetable plant, this is an appropriate time of the year to give gratitude not only to these specific plants but to their realm in general.

Fill a large cup or watering can with fresh water and place your hands over it, mentally sending white light into the vessel to charge the water with the power of blessing. Go to your garden and lightly water your plants, connecting with them and sensing the vital bond that humans share with their world. As you water the plants, say:

"Respect and due reverence shall
now be paid, my heartfelt thanks
for your sacrifice made; shoot and
leaf and full-grown stalk, sacred
plants who have served my needs;
harvest time shall now unlock, the
gifts from Earth their magic freed."

Nightly Meditation

Drift off to sleep with a positive attitude, wake up with a better perspective....

Monday, July 30, 2018

Flood the Streets with Art VI 2018

 This is a delightful way to perform a random act of kindness, on the greediest day in America.  I have participated in this event for several years now.  I love every aspect behind it.  Last year, I dropped this off at a local grocery store for someone.
The eARTh without ART is just eh!
Blood Moon (Acrylic on 2 canvases)

Below you will see the description, why we need more kindness, and how to get involved. 

It is copied from Scott's Facebook event page, and if you'd like to get involved with something positive...

The goal is simple: On BLACK FRIDAY (Nov. 23rd, 2018) I want every artist, human being, man, woman & child on our planet to drop one piece art they've created on the streets of their community for a random stranger to find, pick up, take home & love. Yes, for FREE.

Allow me to explain...

Here in the United States of America, we will celebrate Thanksgiving Day this year on Thursday, Nov. 22nd, 2018. We will spend the day with family, friends & loved ones giving thanks for everything in our lives we have to be thankful for. It's really loving and special and meaningful. ♥

But then...

On the following day a.k.a. BLACK FRIDAY (the day after we've given thanks for everything we have in life), we rush out in an uncivilized manner trampling complete strangers to death while pushing, shoving & acting like a complete lunatic so we can buy a big screen TV for twenty bucks. I'm speaking tongue-in-cheek, of course, but truth be told, it's not that far removed from what actually happens. I wish I were joking. :(

That being said, I want all of us to come together as artists & human beings to do a random act of kindness on the one day of the year that I believe matters most. It's one day. One piece of art. The random acts of kindness should be plentiful & the excuses as to why you can't do this should be minimal. That means, I need EVERYONE to participate. Yes, everyone. Every human being should be doing this.

This is now my 6th year doing this event. I hold this event very near & dear to my part. If I didn't believe in such a powerful random act of kindness, I wouldn't do it. I guess-timated last year that upwards of 7,000 artists participated. Many artists dropped well more than one piece of art and hence, upwards of 18,000 - 20,000 pieces of art were dropped. I fully expect 2018 to be just as big. This is where all of you come in. :) I don't care if you paint, photograph, knit, sew, bead, weld, sculpt, woodwork, crochet or write music. I don't even care if you don't call yourself an "artist". I don't care if you're 7 years old or 77 years old. The fact remains is we're all human beings and the world can always use another act of kindness wherever your neighborhood may be. ♥

If you want to be a part of something amazing. Something positive. Something that matters. Something that will truly make a difference in someone else's life... now is your chance. Stop debating petty stuff on the Internet, Facebook and social media and do something that matters!

Join the event! LIKE it & SHARE it 'til you can't possibly share it anymore. And when you think you've shared it enough, then share the event again. Tell your friends! Tell your Mom! Tell your friend's Mom! :)

Questions, concerns, comments or remarks can be directed to me either via Facebook or via my direct e-mail address below.

Peace, Love & Spray Paint!

- Scott Wong a.k.a. "PSYS"
E-MAIL: scottwong@zoho.com
GROUP: http://www.facebook.com/groups/floodthestreetswithart

Anxiety- Panic Attacks

I was diagnosed over a decade ago with GAD or Generalized Anxiety Disorder. To this day, I have still yet to find a way to control it, let alone stop the attacks from happening.  When they first started it was out of blue while eating. I felt like my throat was closing off, I started shaking, instant dry mouth, and an overwhelming amount of panic set in.  Not knowing what was happening, it stuck in my mind for days and every time I went to eat, it happened again!  Over and over panic attacks took over my brain, keeping me away from food for days. Finally I discussed it with my doctor and and he started me on medication to help ease them. So I started taking a pill about an hour before I knew I was going eat just so I could...eat.

Soon after, for some reason my brain decided that driving was a danger.  Though I was in my late 30's and had been driving since I was 16, sometimes I could not continue once I started driving without paralyzing fear.  I would have to pull off to the side of the road, try and calm myself down.  There have been times it took me over 2 hours to get from point A to point B, when it should have taken 30 minutes.  I discovered a certain type of gum; Icebreaker Cubes Peppermint helped if I was in a full blown attack. Chewing kept me busy, the gum created saliva which kept the dry mouth away, and the peppermint would help open my sinuses to increase breathing more naturally. It didn't always work if it was a severe attack, but 90% of the time it did the job for me. 

I know it is hard for family and friends to understand these attacks, I know this because I can't even understand them and they are happening within my own brain.  I can be perfectly calm watching a movie with my husband one second, and then I can be completely engrossed in complete anxiety that is uncontrollable. It makes life debilitating at times.  
I do know there are things that you can do and say if a loved one is suffering from anxiety.  My best advice firstly is;  please be patient with them!
Here are some other ideas I have found (with a link to credit the author) 

1. “Stop thinking about it.” Don’t you think if it was that easy I would not think about it? It maybe easy for you, but as a person with GAD I have to practice the coping strategies I’ve learned in therapy. And sometimes I can’t even do that. So telling me to not worry simply does not cut it.
Instead, try asking me to go for a walk or if there is anything you can do to help me process what is happening.

2. “Everyone feels anxious.” Yes, everyone feels anxious, and it is completely natural. Anxiety actually pushes us to get things done, but when your anxiety stops you from being able to function, guess what? That’s a problem. So please do not compare GADers (yes, I created this word) with non-GADers (this word too).
Instead, acknowledge what I’m going through. Say, “I see this is really hard for you. Would you like to talk about it?”

3. “I’m stressed too.” Not to discredit your stress, but you are certainly discrediting ours. What you do not understand is that we have a hard time controlling our thoughts, and whether you realize it or not, no matter how small it may seem to you, our anxiety tends to maximize everything.
Instead, try offering some words of encouragement.

4. “I know how you feel.” Unless you have GAD you do not know how I feel, so please stop saying that you do.
Instead, say, “I don’t understand exactly how you feel, but would you be willing to help me understand?”

5. “You need to calm down.” When people suffer from GAD, there are times when his/her anxiety is through the roof and it takes me time to calm down. It is always a three-ring circus going on in our heads. That advice is like telling someone who is sick to stop coughing. So no, we cannot calm down right now.
Instead say, “Is there anything I can do to help you?”

6. “You are doing too much.” (Translation: “You are being dramatic.”) Thank you for your words of comfort. We know our thoughts can be irrational at times, but that is how our brain works. Can you imagine 1,000 tabs on your computer are opened, and you cannot stop new tabs from opening? Well, that is how we feel. Just because our disorder is invisible does not mean it is not real.
Instead, ask me about what methods I use to ease anxiety (like breathing methods and yoga), and remind me what’s worked in the past.

7. “You worry too much.” Yes, we worry too much and we know that, but if you have not figured it out by now, we cannot control it. Telling us we worry too much does not help. We were already worrying about 50 things prior to this unnecessary statement, and now we are worrying about worrying.
Instead, say, “It’s OK to feel this way. I know your anxiety can be difficult, but I’m here for you.”  

In my personal experience while in an attack, I can not be hugged or cuddled.  I already feel like I am suffocating and hyperventilating (in some cases), so having someone holding me is pure pain and discomfort.  I have researched some people it helps calm them, let's them know they are not alone. The last thing I want is to upset anyone by quickly pulling away as they go to hug me. 
So, for any of you who suffer with these attacks, you are not alone. I hope this article helps, and I hope if you are a reader that is not physically affected by them, but love someone who does suffer, I do hope you can be patient, understand that it is out of their control, and just be there for them. 

 One day, I will overcome!

Spell A Day July 30, 2018

Spell A Day

Cleansing with Sugar and Salt

Spell Date:  Monday, July 30, 2018
Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Narcissus
To add a bit of cleansing magick to your daily routine, acquire a small jar of sea salt and a small jar of pure cane sugar. Get a vanilla bean and cut it in half. Bury half of the bean in the sugar and the other half in the salt. Enchant the salt by focusing energy with your right hand while drawing the energy from the cosmos above with your left hand. Focus your mind on the mighty healing powers of the earth element. While you do this, say:

"Creature of salt, of sea, and of
earth, I empower you with purity
and protection. So mote it be!"

Do the same with the sugar, but say:

"Creature of sugar, of tropics, and
of earth, I empower you with
sweetness and grace. So mote it be!"

Cap both jars. You may choose to add the sugar to food and drink so that you can invoke its gently cleansing vibrations. You may choose to sprinkle the salt at your doorways to allow only the good stuff inside your home. There are numerous possibilities, so follow your intuition and have fun!

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Nightly Meditation

It can't rain forever...

Magical Night of Craft- The Making of a Grimoire

The Craft work done last night was a handmade Grimoire. My husband and I have been doing bookbinding for several years, but we ran across a video on YouTube about 'long stitch' binding to make journals, tomes, or in my case a new Grimoire.
If you have read one of my previous posts ( What I Lost, What Has Been Reborn) you might understand why I wanted to create a new Grimoire. So.....I started one it. 

First I started with newsprint paper (18x24) and double folded them.  I wanted enough pages to equal or as close to 413(the day my familiar passed on to the Goddess)as I could.  Each sheet, once folded makes 8 pages to write on, front and back. 52 sheets were double folded.
I then put 4 of the folded pages together to make a signature, and ended up with 13 signatures. (Another 413) 

Next step was to gather matte board, the embossing thread and needle, contact glue (E6000), fabric for cover, and scissors and get started putting it all together.

Matte board was cut about 1/8 in taller and wider than the pages.

My chosen fabric for the cover was then marked with the matte board aligned and a small hammer and nail was used to punch tiny holes on every intersection of the 13 lines drawn for the 13 signatures.

 Once all the holes had been punched into the fabric, they needed to to punch into each of the signatures as well.

Once all holes had been punched it was time to sew the signatures to the cover.  With the long stitch method, there is no hard spine.

A work still in progress, but it shows how the long stitch looks.  Once all signatures were sewn into the fabric, all that was left was to add the front and back cover (matte board).
 I cut the fabric at an angle to get a clean corner.  E6000 was used to glue cover to the matte board once it was lined up.

This procedure was done on the front and back. The Grimoire was basically done. I added a few decorations to front cover. 
 The finished Grimoire spine.  I love the long stitch look. And decorative brads were placed on the front cover.

One of the other adornments was decorative corner embellishments that I lightly glued and sewn into the front cover. 
...and here it is!  My new Grimoire.  I still have some small decorating I want to do... but for most part I like the simplicity of it. 

Crow's Lesson...

Spell a Day July 29, 2018

Spell A Day

Fellowship of the Ring

Spell Date:  Sunday, July 29, 2018
Color of the day:  Amber
Incense of the day:  Heliotrope
Today in 1954, J.R.R. Tolkien published The Fellowship of the Ring, wherein we learn that Bilbo Baggins’s “precious” is a manipulative weapon, charged with the energy of the evil Sauron. Of course, there are other rings imbued with positive power, giving their wearers the strength they need to deal with the challenges they have to face. You can do the same.

Ask your fellowship—those whom you call your closest companions—to imbibe a token with their energies so you can carry them with you. Select a piece of jewelry that holds meaning for you (it does not have to be a ring). Have each friend hold the piece, breathe on it, and say:

"To this token I give some grace,
Let it stand for (your name) in my place."

Wear and feel the power of friendship. You can do this ritual as a group to multiply and share support.

What I Lost, What Has Been Reborn

6:20pm on April 13, 2015 I lost my familiar; Leroy. He was one of seven kittens born, and a sibling survivor of his brother Oreo. The other five did not have the strength to survive with a momma cat who knew so little of taking care of newborns. Looking at Leroy and Oreo you could see that Leroy was definitely the runt. He however, had a will inside him that his other siblings did not possess and with help from his human momma and substitute cat milk in a bottle he thrived.

Through the years I experienced several tragedies, marriages, divorces, major surgeries, and more and he was always there for me. The loss of his brother; Oreo on Jan. 6, 2008 sent him and I into a severe depression and agonizing grief... but we still had each other!

Through everything, I started questioning my spirituality and faith that had been instilled in me from a young age. I started researching and studying all kinds of religions, until I found a path that calmed me and made me feel complete in a sense that I hadn't felt in a very long time.  I devoted myself to this path, this faith, this belief, this new life.  Like a phoenix being reborn from the ashes, I had become a Witch. A Pagan. A follower of the Old Ways. Leroy, without coaxing or initiating in any way was at my side if he saw me studying or if he saw me preparing for a ritual. When there was a circle cast, he was there. For over a decade he was my familiar, my companion in not just this physical realm we resided but as well as the spiritual. He was my strength, my guide, my protection, and my calm. 

At 6:20pm on April 13, 2015, I lost more than, what some humans would say; a cat or a pet. I lost my familiar, my strength, my guide, my baby boy...and more, than I have cared to admit or acknowledge, until now.  I lost faith. I have felt lost in the 3 years since his passing and have not practiced any rituals, celebrated any Sabbaths, or even touched my Grimoire. 

My life has been what seems life a whirlpool and I am in the center, bobbing up and down trying to keep my head above water, to only be pulled down in the quick moving swirl of the world. 

Had I been forsaken? Had I been turned away? Had I been forgotten?
 I admit, I felt I had experienced all those things, if not more since Leroy's passing, until I realized I am the one who turned away. I am the one who forgot who and what I was. 
With Leroy and the Goddess always in my heart and soul, my path was never blocked by anything other than my own self-inflicted pain and suffering.  

By Nature's sacred law, each life must end so others may be born upon this Earth. Each soul is made unique and lives awhile before returning ti the womb from which all life is born. Although we all must die, we're always sad to wish a friend good-bye. May the Goddess protect you on your way from us, your loving family and from light of day. 

Remembering this sacred law, I am reborn...

A Truth...

From Granny Weatherwax

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Spell A Day July 28th 2018


Spell A Day

A Shell Spell

Spell Date:  Saturday, July 28, 2018
Color of the day:  Indigo
Incense of the day:  Ivy
This spell will bring any wish into your life. You’ll need nine seashells and your ritual cup filled with bottled spring water. Place the cup on your altar or a table and fill it with the spring water. Surround the cup with the shells to form a circle. Think of your wish, then ground and center. Hold your hands over the shells and cup, and say the following charm:

"Shells, set in a circle so round,
To me, let my wish be bound.
Shells, totaling the sacred number nine,
Let my wish be mine."

Take a sip from the cup and set it back in place. Leave the shells and cup undisturbed for a day. The next day, place the shells with your ritual tools to use again. Use the water to water a plant. Return the cup to its usual place. The spell is now working in the unseen realm.

The Four Rules

I. Live each day as if it were your last, for one day you will be right.

II. Love yourself first and foremost. For when you truly love yourself, loving those around you will come as easily as breathing- and we all must breathe.

III. Learn your life's lessons, each as it comes....for that is the reason we are here.

IV. Enjoy your life because of you do not, then most likely someone else will enjoy it for you- then your time here will have been wasted.

The Law-
Harm None